My name is Shubhankar and I am a Computer Science and Engineering undergraduate at National Institute of Technology, Hamirpur. I am a hardworking individual with great efficiency.
I have worked as a Student Developer for CircuitVerse.org in Google Summer of Code 2020 and have proceeded with my project in a timely and efficient manner. I am a passionate Open Source Developer and have contributed to many open source projects.
I have experience in a variety of roles by having worked as a student developer, a mentor, a teacher and a freelancer and have recommendations from my seniors in all these roles. Also, I am a part of my college’s technical club .exe and guide my juniors to make an impact.
I have a good academic record, some experience in competitive programming and a decent portfolio with projects in fields including but not limited to full stack development, Machine Learning, graphics designing and computer architecture.
You can see code samples at my github repository: @shubhankarsharma00